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Motivation Towards a Positive Workplace

Being a leader in the workplace is not only about managing your people. It is making sure they do their jobs, efficiently and be able to improve as time goes by when it comes to output. However, these things are easier said than done.

Having a work culture that inspires people is not something that can happen in just a day or two. But as a leader, you know that a positive or a negative workplace is a very big factor on how your employees perform. Take for example work conditions where employees are always being shouted at, whose faults are easily noticed and who are being reprimanded in front of their coworkers. Do you think that these employees will work better? They might work and do what is expected of them but thinking they would do anything more than what they are required to do would be highly improbable.

Now how about a workplace where employees receive appreciations and incentives for doing their jobs? Where those who are in charge would take the time to sit down and talk about their mistakes and how they can work together to avoid it? Do you think the employees in this work setting will perform better and beyond what they are expected to do? If you said yes, then you know how powerful a culture of recognition and appreciation is in a workplace. So how do you start creating this kind of work environment?

Positive Language

Words are very powerful in the workplace. You should start by trying to use negative language less and positive language more. Instead of saying, “This is a difficult task for everyone.”, say “This is a very challenging task for us.” Those words may have the same meaning but how you say it and the words you choose will influence your employees’reactions. With the phrase “difficult task”, they will already think this is something undoable or that they expected not to succeed in doing it. But with the phrase “challenging task” they know you want everyone to work together and do their best.

Open and Transparent

CommunicationIn order for this to work you have to gain their trust. Listen to what they have to say when it comes to the tasks you provide them. If they have issues about it, don’t just shrug your shoulder and expect them to carry on. Work together with them through their difficulties. If you see something can still be done better, call their attention and give them your feedback in a respectful way. Don’t hold back in sharing your best practices or share tips if you think it will help them with their task. Remember a leader is not being the one who shines the brightest but the one who make others shine brighter than they used to.

Give Praise and Appreciation without Limit

Don’t just praise the ones who do their jobs better but also those who in their ways have done what they should. Everyday your employees leave the comforts of their bed, sacrifice their time with their families or loved ones and maybe go to work carrying their own personal burdens or fighting their own personal battles. Just because they are being paid doesn’t mean you can just ignore their efforts. Thank them for coming at work and at the end of the day for the job they did. It won’t even take you a couple of seconds to do it so why not when it means you are being grateful they are there instead of not showing up.

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